Chocolate Dipped Watermelon

Watermelon needs no help to make it one of the sweetest, tastiest, and most popular summer treats.

 1 seedless watermelon
 3 cups chopped dairy-free dark chocolate
 Sea salt, flaked salt, sprinkles, or chopped nuts for garnishing (optional)


Start with an ice-cold watermelon and cut it into wedges. Line a baking tray or platter (sized to fit into your fridge) with parchment paper.

Melt the chopped chocolate in a double boiler. (To make a double boiler, set a small pot of water on medium heat. Bring to a simmer and place a metal or glass bowl with chocolate in it over the pot. When nearly all the chocolate is melted, remove from heat and stir.)

Dip the tip of each piece of watermelon into the melted chocolate, set on the lined tray, and quickly sprinkle with sea salt or other garnish. Serve immediately or return to freezer.