Thanks for your interest in adopting a pot bellied pig from Catskill Animal Sanctuary! Please understand that our application is designed to ensure the best possible placement for the animals and that all information will remain confidential.
Full Name *
Daytime Phone*
Evening Phone*
Employer’s Contact Information*
How Long There?*
Veterinarian’s Name/Address*
Vet’s Phone Number:*
May We Contact Him/Her?*
Does your local zoning allow for pet pigs? YesNo
Do you live in: ApartmentCondoMobile HomeHouse
Do You: OwnRent
Owned/rented current home for how long?*
If you rent, please provide your landlord’s contact information:
Do you have a fenced-in yard? YesNo
Will your pig have his/her own pen or fenced area? YesNo
If you do not have a ground floor-level entrance, are you able to provide a ramp to assist pig with entering/exiting your home?*
How many adults live in your home?*
Number and ages of children in your home*
Who will be responsible for caring for your pig?*
Please list current pets in household, including species, gender, and age
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? YesNo
If not, why?
Have you ever owned a pig? YesNo
If so, what happened to it?
Will the pig be living indoors or outdoors?
If the pig will live indoors, describe both where he will sleep and other areas of the house to which he’ll have access.
How many hours will the pig be alone each day?
If outdoors, do you have a well-insulated shelter for the pig? YesNo
Please describe the shelter, including dimensions, insulation, and ventilation
Do you have a way of heating this shelter in winter? YesNo
What bedding will be provided for the pig, and how often frequently will it be cleaned?
When outdoors, will the pig have a shady area to keep cool in summer? YesNo
If the pig is to be an outdoor pig, is there a wading pond or wallow for hot weather? Please describe.
What type of fencing will be provided, and what are the dimensions of the pig’s outdoor area?
Why do you want to adopt a pig?
Does your vet care for potbellied pigs? YesNo
If not, please list the name and number of the vet you will be using
How much time will you spend with your pig?
What will you do with your pig when you go on vacation?
What would you do if your pig became ill and needed expensive veterinary care?
What would you do if you became ill and could no longer care for your pig?
What are your views on euthanasia?
Are you committed to care for the pig for his/her life (average lifespan is 20 years)?
In what way have you educated yourself on the proper care of a pig?
Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
Please supply the name, phone number, and e-mail of two references: 1)
Can someone from CAS do a home visit to be sure that you are prepared to own this type of animal?*
I hereby certify that the information I have provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that I will be asked to provide an adoption fee.
Please leave this field empty.
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