How big is your vision? How powerful is your dream? Your support helps us change the world — one animal at a time, as we care for hundreds while supporting humanity in its urgent shift toward plant-based living.
Help Us Change the World for Animals
Your membership supports our daily operations and sustains programs that help exponentially more animals as we support humanity’s shift to veganism through our tours and mentor, cooking and youth programs.
Sponsorship is Love
Help a precious animal know what love feels like with your generous sponsorship, which helps provide nutritious food, warm bedding and outstanding medical care to one lucky being.
Thank You For Your Gift
Your gift gives love and support to animals needing sanctuary, heals our ailing planet, and helps create a harmonious world for all living beings.
We’re in this Together!
Our corporate partners are a diverse collection of businesses of all sizes who share our vision of a joyous and just vegan world and help expand our capacity to deliver on that promise.