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Erin’s Barn Brief

The snow is receding, the ice is melting, and spring is definitely in the air! So glad to see the ground again…even though it’s very muddy ground. Big pigs Roscoe and Reggie ventured out to sunbathe, while Amelia rooted happily beside them. Even little potbelly pig Shy Girl enjoyed some outside play time. Welcomes Ming GooseSay hello to Ming, a Chinese brown goose. Ming came to us when her long-time companion passed away. This older gal is full of life and loves to chat! Ming moved in with Muscovy ducks Maury and Mugsy and the trio is hitting it off. Also new to the sanctuary are female Muscovy ducks Dixie and Valentina, brought to CAS by a wildlife rehabber. Both ducks have severe damage to their feet from frostbite; Valentina only has tiny stubs left to walk on. Despite everything, the girls are getting around pretty well and living in the barn for the moment. Movings and Shakings Our equine vet, Andrea Sotella, from Rhinebeck Equine, recently came with her assistant to give dental check-ups and do much needed work on the horses. Kathy and Jenn assisted Andrea as she polished, filed, and cleaned each horse’s teeth. All the horses did well and everyone was left with sparkling pearly whites. And later in the week, farrier Kevin Post and trainer Cody Bisignano diligently trimmed the hooves of many of the horses. Queenie the rabbit had surgery and is now recovering well. She’s romping about the barn office and sunning on the windowsill. Queenie goes back to the vet soon to get her staples out and is expected to be good as new. Adoptions Duck dude One-Eyed Jack and three Pekin duck females have been adopted by the Carmelite Sisters in Germantown. The convent has several ducks already so Jack and the girls will have new playmates, along with their own spacious house and private pond. Bonnie S of Rhinebeck is also planning on adopting some new animals including goats Jonah, Ninja, and Mr. Tumnus. Once we coordinate transport, these creatures will be off to their new forever home!



Sanctuary Life


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