Join us on social media for Goat Games challenges throughout August! CLICK HERE

The CAS Animals Need You!

Caring for our animal friends and working for a more compassionate world takes time and dedication, and the small CAS staff can’t do it alone! CAS depends on caring and enthusiastic volunteers to help with scooping poop, stuffing envelopes, painting barns, and much more.

Join us!  You’ve got the skills, talents, and energy that we need. And if you used to be part of the team, we want you back!

CAS is more committed than ever to providing volunteers with rewarding experiences. That’s why I’m so pleased to announce that I am the new manager of the CAS volunteer program! I can’t wait to get started matching volunteers’ interests and skills with CAS areas of need! 7023778459_e22fc4e64a_bWe’re looking for assistance with the following:
  • Shelter/pasture cleaning, animal grooming, unloading supplies
  • Database updating, computer-based research projects
  • Summer camp operations (July-Aug)
  • Video, photography and graphic design projects
  • Cooking classes, preparing/serving food for special events
  • Landscaping, painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry
  • Guesthouse operations and guest services
  • Literature drop-off/distribution, tabling at festivals/conferences
  • Planning, set-up and break-down, tabling for special events
  • Greeting visitors, selling tour tickets and merchandise (Apr-Oct)
Interested volunteers are invited to complete our online application then I’ll be in touch to schedule your orientation. For safety reasons, the minimum age to volunteer is 12. Volunteers ages 12-15 must be accompanied by an adult.

volunteer button

Contact me at or 917-414-9428 to discuss your interests or for more information. And as I strive to improve the volunteer program, I welcome your feedback. We are truly grateful for your support and hope to see you at the sanctuary soon!



A Day in the Life, Herd Around The Barn, Sanctuary Life, Why Sanctuaries Matter


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