Over 100 Gather to Celebrate Launch of Animal Camp


On Thursday, October 14, 125 friends from New York's five boroughs gathered in Midtown Manhattan's Loft 56 with several of the CAS crew to celebrate the release of Animal Camp: Lessons in Love and Hope From Rescued Farm Animals. We dined on treats from Candle 79 and Gone Pie Vegan Bakery, we met friends old and new, and mostly, of course, we discussed in pairs and small groups everything from our favorite vegan restaurant to volunteer work days to the imminent arrival at CAS of Beans and Diesel, two old mules.

Near the end of the evening, I read a chapter titled "The Audacity of Love," which describes the complicated relationship between Rambo and Hannah, two sheep, and Barbie, a hen who (to Hannah's chagrin) occasionally climbs atop Rambo's back for a nap. I like reading this chapter that shows both a sheep and a hen sharing a tender moment, and another sheep's jealousy of that moment. Why? Because it reveals that animals whom most people fail to consider do, indeed, make deliberate choices; do, indeed, have emotional lives; do, if allowed to, embrace life in ways that routinely surprise and delight those of us privileged to serve them.
After all, part of my job is to encourage people to think about the consequences of their food choices….so whenever I'm able, I like to reveal our animal friends for who they truly are: quirky, complex, individual–just like humans.  
I autographed many books that night with the statement, "All hearts yearn to sing." It's a belief that guides everything we do at Catskill Animal Sanctuary; my heart sure was singing that night.
Thank you to those who came, and thank you especially to the lovely Michelle Alvarez and her volunteer crew for putting together a delightful evening.



Event, Sanctuary Life
