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Stocking a Vegan Pantry

By Chef Linda It’s a new year, and a maybe you’re thinking about a new you. A new vegan you! If you’re just getting started on your plant-based journey or …

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Ask Chef Linda: Labels on egg cartons

Dear Chef Linda, Thanks for your wonderful recipes however, we still do eat eggs; they are free-range, organically raised, and vegetarian fed.  Is this considered “cruelty-free” or am I still deluding …

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What’s in Season Now: Green Beans

Green beans, string beans, snap beans. Such a commonplace bean, chefs and home cooks can often overlook it in search of something more intriguing, trendy or unusual. This thin, humble …

Sanctuary Founder and Compassionate Cuisine Chefs on WAMC’s Food Friday!

We love talking about vegan food! We love it so much that we teach cooking classes, offer food demos after our weekend tours, publish recipes on our website, and we …

5 Easy, Nourishing Recipes To Make on a Sick Day

  By Chef Sara Eating well can be a challenge on an average day–but throw a cold or the flu into the mix, and the idea of even boiling water …

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All About Amaranth

  By Chef Sara If you thought quinoa was tiny and cute, wait until you meet amaranth! This pseudo-grain (a seed that’s used the same way as a grain) is …

Sanctuary Happenings!

Best Vegan Chefs: Compassionate Cuisine Wins in Hudson Valley Linda Soper-Kolton and Sara Boan, the best vegan chefs in the Hudson Valley, are being celebrated by Hudson Valley Magazine! For …

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Product Review: Must-Try Vegan Ice Cream Flavors

Product Review: Must-Try Vegan Ice Cream Flavors With summer quickly approaching, there’s no better time than the present to explore the joys of vegan ice cream! Once a niche product …

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5 Reasons “Isa Does It” Belongs in your Cookbook Library

5 Reasons “Isa Does It” Belongs in your Cookbook Library When I decided to go vegan in January 2014, my large and well-loved collection of cookbooks suddenly felt foreign and …

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Vegan Tips for Family Gatherings

Holiday meals with family can be a time where traditions and lifestyle choices collide, leaving family members confused, disappointed, or frustrated. Whether you’re a hosting or visiting, if your diet …

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