Shouting Out Hope: We Met Our Grant Match Goal!

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On Friday, December 29th, the last business day of 2017, we were shouting in the Catskill Animal Sanctuary office.

Every few minutes, someone would yell out numbers. It was like being on the floor of The New York Stock Exchange.

“Fifty over here!”

We were calling out the donations as they came in, minute by minute, crossing our fingers that we would make our deadline for 2017 fundraising.

The magic amount was $200,000. If we could raise it, a donor would match our efforts, dollar for dollar. In the world of rescues and sanctuaries, every dollar is vital— and a matching donation can make a world of difference. Our expenses are high, especially in the winter months.

In early December, when we received the offer to match our fundraising, we jumped at the chance— and so did our wonderful supporters. While we shared the news as fast as we could, the message took root. Donations came in, and the following week, they kept coming in… and they grew! From recurring donors and sponsors, to first-time donors, people gave what they could. We saw donations of $5 and some for a thousand (and more!). One generous soul even donated some stock!*

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Photo by Lucy Cuneo

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Over the course of the month, the average donation we received was $193. To us, this proves —once again— the importance of every single individual donor.

The quality of our collective experience depends on the generosity of others. Animals, who cannot advocate for themselves, need our voices raised for them. They depend on us to rescue them from cruelty. They rely on us to treat them with kindness and respect. They trust us to work together to end their exploitation. In turn, we request your generosity to make our work possible.

In a world that invites sadness and rewards cynicism, we were able to shout messages of hope across the hall. All day long, one number after the next.

It’s because of all of you.

From all of us here at Catskill Animal Sanctuary, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

*To learn more about stock donation please contact Lisa Jackson




*Director's Corner, Sanctuary Life
