Bruce is a Muscovy duck originally rescued from a live meat market in NYC. Because Bruce was raised for meat, his beak was cruelly trimmed down to him from biting at the other animals who were crammed into a cage with him. Bruce is one of the lucky few who escaped slaughter thanks to a kind person who purchased him to save his life. For many years, Bruce was kept as a pet in an apartment in NYC. When his caretaker was sadly forced out of her home, she reached out to CAS and asked us to take Bruce in. Having been raised for so long among humans, Bruce craves attention. He is a very chatty part of The Underfoot Family, the beloved and ever-changing cast of characters who roam the sanctuary grounds during the day. Despite the freedom given to these animals, and Bruce especially, they choose to be underfoot. In fact, he gets a little nippy and very loud when not being held or offered a lap to nestle into! Come visit us for a weekend Sanctuary tour and meet Bruce!