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City Slickers Clean Up 32

As Outreach Director, I rarely get to do farm chores, even though they are one of my most cherished ways to spend time at the sanctuary – second only to playing in the dirt with the animals! Most of my day involves networking, recruiting new supporters, and planning special events. So, when Founder Kathy Stevens asked if I could round up some friends in New York City and other volunteers to work at the new farm, I was thrilled! I find farm chores – whether it’s tearing down old fences, scooping poop, digging drainage ditches, or painting a barn – to be extremely satisfying and fulfilling. At the end of a long day, I can step back and see exactly how I’ve helped the animals. The benefits are tangible and concrete. This past Saturday, a crew of 15 energetic folks spent the day clearing pasture at our new haven. Excavators have spent the last few months making their way through acres of, dense forest entangled in vines – and we spent the day going where big machinery can’t fit to gather dead trees, gnarled vines, and brush. It’s amazing to see the transformation of the new property on Route 32 over just the past few months. I feel privileged to witness the evolution of the place, honored to use my hands to help it take shape, and excited to start welcoming the new residents! The CAS gang is so grateful to the gals from New York City, the guys from Veritas, Sunil and Amy, and Kathy’s brother Ned. Thank you for your hard work and dedication – and for helping CAS get closer to opening the doors on this new haven! More pictures here. Help us get CAS at 32 ready for animals! Please make a donation today.



A Day in the Life, Sanctuary Life


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