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Featured Creature – Montana the horse!

MontanaOur Featured Creature is Montana, or Monty for short! Monty is a flashy, 10 year old, quarter horse cross gelding who stands statuesque at 15.2 hands high. He was rescued, along with many other horses, from terrible neglect and abuse at the hands hoarder in October 2011. Monty has since made a full recovery and truly enjoys human companionship, definitely an ‘in-your-pocket’ type of horse. When he isn’t grazing with his best bud Brutus, Monty works willingly with our horse trainer Cody Bisignano. He’s learning fast from the natural horsemanship methods she uses and is well on his way to being a super saddle horse for the right riding companion. Monty’s inquisitive nature and unbelievable trust are a true testament to the resilient equine spirit.  

Montana with Brutus

Montana with Brutus

Meet Montana on a tour during our open season and you will fall in love with this this gentle giant. If you are interested in adopting Montana and giving him a loving forever home, please contact Adoption Coordinator Erin Murphy at 336-8447×232 or To sponsor Monty or his pasture pal Brutus, please contact Michelle Alvarez at



Sanctuary Life


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