Preparation for Camp Kindness 2011 In Full Swing!

Camp Kindness launched last year to rave reviews, and this summer promises to be even better! Education Director Betsy Messenger and Camp Coordinators Melissa Bamford, Dawn Hubbell, and Judi Gelardi have a program that is sure to delight our campers. Kids will study and sample a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in our organic garden, and learn how to create healthy, delicious vegan meals to share with their families. Campers will spend plenty of quality time with the animals, and deepen their understanding of the important ways in which we, regardless of species, are truly the same. In addition, kids will learn about how we care for the animals who live here, why animals engage in certain trademark behaviors, and how each animal has his or her own unique personality. We still get notes of appreciation from last year’s kids, and are hopeful that this summer’s gang will also remember the lessons of compassion for all living things long after camp ends.  



Sanctuary Life


One reply on “Preparation for Camp Kindness 2011 In Full Swing!”

  1. Hi Betsy,

    This camp looks wonderful…so glad you’re a part of it.

    Wishing you tons of success and love for our animals,

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