In Memory Of Our Beloved Tucker
How do we say goodbye to someone who was larger than life? Tucker’s loss hit all of us very hard. Though his sudden loss left us reeling, we’re comforted in knowing that Tucker didn’t know any pain, that he went quickly—as though he knew how hard it would be for us to someday watch him struggle in his old age. We buried him in his field, beside the barn we built for him. As we finished saying our goodbyes late on Wednesday night, a shooting star raced across the sky. It was as if Tucker was reminding us that even then, in the face of such heartbreak, the world is still full of wonder and warmth. As our team grappled with finding the right words to memorialize our larger-than-life boy, we reached out to all of you to share your memories with us—and you did! We can’t think of a better way to say goodbye to Tucker than by sharing the beautiful words all of you sent us. Tucker was deeply loved by everyone who met him, and he will never be forgotten. Thank you to each and every one of you who sent on condolences, photos, and kind words about our Big Man, Tuck.
“Tucker was the embodiment of all things good in this world. He had patience, love and kindness all rolled into one big body. One big, beautiful body. He was so big because no other container could hold as much soul as Tucker had. He’s in our thoughts and hearts forever.”
“After hearing the news, I looked back at all the photos we have of special moments shared with Tucker. The hugs and snuggles, the chin scratches, the brushing sessions, and the quiet moments of reflection we spent with him have meant so much over the years. I’ll never forget during the pandemic making a visit and spending some one-on-one time with him. I brushed him and sang to him while he dozed in the sunshine. He looked at me, and we shared a moment where he looked deep into my soul and I his. Tears are coming to my eyes now as I think of how transformative and healing that moment was for me, especially when the world was terrifying and uncertain.”
“Our visit to Tucker 8 years ago turned my whole family vegan. Your influence is infinite, Tucker!” – Jamie Zucker Cohen
“I always loved it when Tucker would start following me after a grooming session. Whenever I would stop and start walking away he was right directly behind me saying ‘Where are you going? I’m not done!'” – Ashley Snyder
“My animal-human bond class was fortunate to meet sweet Tucker (virtually due to COVID) and we were all so moved by him. He was grieving a loss at the time so we talked a lot about that. Now when I am trying to explain the deep and complex emotional lives of animals to others I often mention Tucker. Sending lots of love and so sorry for your loss.” – Jen Craft
“We brought my 10 month old son to CAS this summer. He was a little nervous with some of the cows, I think just because of their sheer size. Not Tucker though. My son happily pet Tucker multiple times and was not scared at all.” – Kate Cortazzo
“I have the best Tucker and Violet memory. Violet had hopped in the feed truck to munch on some hay, and we all know getting her off the truck was a challenge. Tucker, at the time, was an underfoot, and he came up behind the feed truck, surprising Violet, who leapt over the side of the truck and ran. Tucker just looked at us as if to say, ‘What happened?'” – Camille Licate
“I was lucky enough to visit Catskill in 2016 and have a lovely interaction with Tucker.. I was right up close with him and laid my head on his.. he was gentle and so sweet – What a beautiful soul! It’s just a huge reminder that farm animals are no different than cats and dogs… The experience love and compassion.. and have silly and funny personalities and love to play. They are incredible sensitive creatures with so much to offer and so much to teach us!” – VeggieGirl24
“I will always remember Tucker for being a Gentle Giant, and for his kisses! Prior to meeting Tucker I never knew that a cow’s tongue is sandpapery, like a cat’s, and that a cow kiss is such a special gift. Thank you, Tucker, for your kisses; I will miss you.” – Jeanine Leib
“I am blessed to have spent time with, and gotten kisses from ,Tucker. He was able to bring me to such a place of peace and love. I am beyond grateful to have these memories. He will ALWAYS be in my heart. Rest easy Tuckie. I love you.” – Sherie Pennino
“Tucker was my wife’s and my favorite at CAS and all other farm sanctuaries. I went vegan after visiting our first time. He was truly a gentle giant and the kindest boy!” – Emily Hsia
“Even being a long time vegan, I had only seen cows in fields up until the first time I went to your sanctuary….I was so humbled and brought to tears when I touched him. Such a massive physical and spiritual presence. My resolve was strengthened even more after that. Thank you Tucker.” – Deborah Sheba DePasquale
“Tucker was so polite to guests he would be embarrassed to poop in front of them— instead, he would start to get a little “antsy” when he really had to go, but would never actually walk away from a group and do his business in front of them. This behavior was so typical of him that i eventually grew the ability to predict when Tucker had to use the bathroom but was being too nice to excuse himself, and, on the final day I spent with him, I got a group of tour guests in hysterics after the gate to his field shut and he immediately “did his business” after I warned them he had to go. Such a gentleman, truly— the kind of special you normally only read about, except he was very real, and he has my heart forever.” – Camryn Beck
“I remember when he first arrived and was so confused and lonely, then the abundance of love he received gave him such a happy and beautiful life. He spread that love to everyone who met him. Such a sweet soul. Our family has a Tucker-sized sadness about his sudden departure.” – Janet T.
“It has to have been over ten years ago when I first met Tucker while attending Camp Kindness. Although I was a little nervous being around such a large animal, he showed nothing but love and affection and absolutely adored all the attention he was getting from us kids! Now coming back to CAS, I was fortunate enough to have a special moment visiting him earlier in September. We were shooting video content with him and he soaked up every minute of our visit. Not to mention him being far more photogenic than me. While brushing him, he lifted his head, making sure I could get the perfect spot. He never failed to put a smile on my face.” – Rebecca Shaw
“Tucker and Kathy were a huge influence in my decision to finally go vegan in 2015. Such a gentle soul. I’m glad I got to hug him again last year. He touched so many lives. My heart goes out to everyone at CAS” – Kirk Miller
Sending love to Kathy and the entire CAS family. You knew how to nurture and love and care for this gentle soul named Tucker. And you gave him the opportunity to show his big goofy self to the world. If not for everyone at CAS, the world would have missed one of the greatest love stories ever. Thank you!
Well said.
Tears are streaming down my face as I just get the news of Tucker’s passing. Oh sweet Tucker. I ran the summer camp program in 2013 and had the honor and privilege of getting to know this gentle giant. I was even there when they let him go free range for the first time. I will never forget that. Sending so much love to Kathy and the whole CAS family as this loss is tremendous. His memory will live on forever.
So sad. Cant find the words right now & this will be clumsy, but again I think of the CAS staff past & present who do all the hard work, do all the loving, & then have to deal w/ the pain & the loss. You are all very special. & so are the animals who are lucky enough to be @ CAS. Everyone who has met Tucker is devastated right now, but as I’ve said before, there’s also a cause for celebration, even though it doesn’t feel like it right now. Why celebration? Because this was the conclusion of a life that ended the way it should. Living in a true place of love, & dying of natural causes among humans who actually act humanely. He received love, & he gave love back throughout the years he was there. Take a bow CAS staff. U saw another good life all the way to the end.
Tucker !!! I loved getting to pet you and getting photos with you. May you run free in heaven sweet boy !!