New “Friends” at the Sanctuary: Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and Janice

Animal Control Officer Jill Shufeldt has played a role in rescuing countless animals in the Hudson Valley for the past twenty years. When she comes across farm animals that need to be transferred from a bad situation to a safe and loving home, Catskill Animal Sanctuary is often her first call. So we weren’t surprised when we got a call from her last week asking us to take in four ducks. The ducks were seized from a notorious, local animal hoarder who is facing animal abuse charges for the umpteenth time. The ducks had been living with Jill who needed a more permanent solution. Due to the recent adoption of our five geese, a perfect spot at the Sanctuary was available! The three female Pekins and one male Mallard (the domestic variety) are full of personality and are loving their new surroundings. Every morning Chandler, Monica, Pheobe, and Janice (we already have a Rachel!) barrel out of their barn and bound toward the pond. We look forward to watching them bathe and play when the ice melts – for now, their ice skating routines are very entertaining. ducks, animal rescue, duck rescue





One response to “New “Friends” at the Sanctuary: Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and Janice”

  1. valhalla says:

    great to know these 4 geese will have a happy life -if only all animals could live free.