Four Very Personal Reasons to GO VEG This Month
[youtube][/youtube] October means pumpkins, Halloween costumes, corn mazes, and Vegetarian Awareness Month. Wait…what? That’s right; October 1st was the official kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month, a month-long opportunity to consider adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Here at Catskill Animal Sanctuary we are celebrating by helping you GO VEGAN all month long… and beyond! Click here to discover delicious vegan recipes, watch inspiring videos, and read a vegan Q&A! Why make the switch? Well, Michelle and Kathy have already given you their top reasons…so I thought I would add in four more, very personal, reasons to go veg. Their names are Calvin, Bernard, Emerson, and Russell. These boys, now 12 weeks old, were rescued at 3-days-old by CAS. Once destined to be slaughtered at 4-5 months old (routine treatment for veal calves), these boys are now living happily, surrounded by love, at Catskill Animal Sanctuary. Adopting a vegan diet is the single most important thing you can do to save farm animals’ lives. So for Calvin, Bernard, Emerson, Russell, and all the others who aren’t as lucky at these boys, please consider making the switch. We’re here to help! *Watch a video of the calves here. And then check our their photos here.*
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My wife & I were vegetarians the 1st time we arrived @ CAS, & became vegans on the doorstep of the Homestead, when Alex told us about what dairy cows & their calves go through. So no animal products for us since July. Keep up the good work guys & gals # CAS!