Give the Gift of Life: Sponsor an Animal


Has your search for the latest and greatest gizmo left you feeling frustrated with the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping?  CAS has the perfect answer to your gift giving dilemma: give the gift of animal sponsorship to help care for a rescued farmed animal for an entire year! What better way to embrace the true meaning of the holidays than to share in the joy of providing for a rescued animal?

Why Sponsor an Animal at CAS?

The residents of  CAS enjoy a full and rich life with freedom and love. They are allowed to form deep bonds with one another and spend their days living in comfort. All this is because because of support from compassionate people like you whose sponsorships help pay for food, bedding and vet care. Sponsorships are vital to our life-saving work and make a huge difference in the lives of animals who need and deserve a chance at happiness.

Sponsorship Benefits

duckWhen you sponsor any of the 12 species who found sanctuary at CAS, you’ll receive a one-year Family Membership (a $65 value!) as well. Your Family Membership entitles your household to free tours April – October, reduced admission to special events, and eligibility to reserve a room at our relaxing guest house, the Homestead.

And as a sponsor you’ll also receive VIP visiting privileges by appointment, two glossy photos of your animal with their rescue story, and frequent updates on your new animal friend. As our special gift to you this holiday, you’ll also receive a handy ChicoBag with the CAS logo! It makes a great stocking stuffer.


Do you have any questions? Then please don’t hesitate to contact Adoption and Sponsorship Coordinator Erin Murphy at 845-336-8447 x232 or If you would like your sponsorship packet mailed directly to the gift recipient, or your family membership to be in the recipient’s name, please let Erin know.



Sanctuary Life
