Sister Mary Frances
Who doesn’t love this pig?
This adorable potbellied pig arrived at the Sanctuary just before Christmas 2014. A long-time supporter rescued Sister Mary Frances when her guardians lost their home and were unable to take her with them when they moved.
Sister Mary Frances was raised as an only pig and lived indoors. On top of the difficulty of losing her family, she had to transition to living life outside. At first, Sister Mary Frances spent a lot of time indoors, hiding out in the kitchen while our animal care staff bustled around her. Jasmine, Sister Mary Frances’ first pig friend, helped her break out of her shell end enjoy the outdoors. But when the pair moved in with 11 energetic piglets in the summer of 2015, Sister Mary Frances was overwhelmed and begged her caregivers for a quieter life. She is now a lucky member of our Underfoot Family, free-ranging during the day and snuggling under blankets in the barn at night.
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