A New Year’s Resolution for Farm Animals

It’s officially the New Year and resolutions for 2013 are on everyone’s mind. While losing weight, getting out of debt, or kicking a cigarette habit tend to rank high on the list of common resolutions, at Catskill Animal Sanctuary we’re asking you to consider a resolution this year that will help make the world a more compassionate place. Let us help you resolve to make a difference for farm animals this year with five suggestions…

Resolve to Make a Difference for Farm Animals in 2013. Five ways you can help:

  1. Go veg! Ten billion animals are slaughtered every year in the US for human consumption. Whether you choose a gradual approach (join the Meatless Mondays crowd) or are ready to be vegan today – it’s a New Year’s resolution that is sure to impact animals’ lives. In fact, PETA estimates that by going meat-free you could save up to 100 animals a year! Click here for tips and recipes to help you on your way.
  2. Learn more about farm animals and the lives they live. We suggest the book Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, which reads like a memoir and is packed full of information, the movie Peaceable Kingdom, which shares the stories of farmers who have converted to a plant-based diet, or the documentary Vegucated, which follows three meat-eaters who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. Knowledge is power!
  3. Commit to helping rescue organizations who care for abused or neglected farm animals. Sign up as a monthly supporter and commit to giving a donation every month of 2013. Whether it’s $5 or $50 a month, it’s a resolution that will make a big difference for organizations that depend on donations to keep their doors open. Also consider supporting the groundbreaking and courageous advocacy work of organizations like Mercy for Animals and FARM.
  4. Spread the word. Have friends who love their dogs but put other species on the dinner table? Share your new knowledge of farm animals with them, and maybe a veg recipe, too! Commit to spreading the word when sharing meals with friends or posting on your Facebook or Twitter page. A simple suggestion, like swapping out milk in their morning coffee for an almond or soy alternative, can sometimes be enough to help the wheels begin to turn.
  5. Make a veg friend. Having someone by your side to show you the ropes and help you stay on track is key to keeping your New Year’s resolution, no matter what it is. MeetUp.com can be a great way to connect with other people who follow a veg diet. Through MeetUp.com you can join veg groups and attend veg MeetUps like dinners, movies, and more.

Resolve to make a difference for farm animals in 2013!

animal rescue, catskill animal sanctuary, calf rescue, rescue animal



Catskill Conversations, Why Sanctuaries Matter


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One reply on “A New Year’s Resolution for Farm Animals”

  1. Excellent suggestions for New Years resolutions…let’s pray that others will read, pray, and follow…save God’s creatures!

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