Did You Know?

Cows are quite intelligent, capable of complex thoughts, and have long memories. They can problem solve and even get excited when they find a solution. Cows have a multitude of emotions; they are stoic and emotionally deep. Just like humans, cows have distinct personalities and can use body posture and vocal sounds to express emotions. They form close friendships in the herd and mourn the loss of friends. Cows are profoundly emotional and will cry for days when separated from loved ones. They are extremely devoted mothers who, given the chance, will nurture their young and form lasting bonds.
Cows in the beef and dairy industries are denied fulfillment of their most basic desires. Raising cows in large overcrowded feedlots upsets their natural pecking order, (it’s not just for chickens), making them stressed and causing fights over dominance. These crowded feedlots are horrible places with acrid air and filthy living conditions. Dairy cows, who produce milk to nourish their young, are separated from their calves at birth, never allowed to nurse. Their milk becomes a commodity for human consumption, pumped full of antibiotics and hormones. These cows spend their entire lives in a cycle of pregnancy and milking without ever knowing the joy of motherhood. The female calves become future dairy cows, while males are raised for veal in small crates and fed an anemia inducing diet.
Why Sponsor a Cow at CAS?
The cows of CAS enjoy days spent in small, closely-bonded herds, grazing on lush green pastures, with spacious barns for shelter and comfort. Our cows are rescued from the dairy industry, former game farms and petting zoos. Our cows live such rich lives because of support from caring and loyal sponsors. Your sponsorship donation of $65 per month helps pay for your cow’s food, bedding and vet care. Sponsoring a cow is a great way to get involved and make a difference, while gaining a new animal friend at the same time. Sponsorship also makes a great gift for the animal lover in your life. Most importantly, your sponsorship is vital to our life-saving wor k and makes a huge difference in the lives of desperate animals who need and deserve a second chance at happiness.
Sponsorship Benefits
Not only will you, or your gift recipient, gain a new cow pal, but for October only
you will receive a FREE hoodie! When you sign up to sponsor a cow at CAS
you will also receive a 1 year Family Membership (a $65 value) as well! Your Family Membership entitles your household to free tours April – October and reduced admission to special events. As a new sponsor, you will also receive two glossy photos of your cute cow along with their rescue story. You’re welcome to visit your sponsored cow year-round by appointment (Please call or email 72 hours in advance) and see for yourself the quality of care your support provides. To sponsor a cow today, contact Adoption and Sponsorship Coordinator Erin Murphy at
845-336-8447 x232 or
WE are interested in sponsoring a cow. This will be for our special ed elementary class. Would you please send some information on how we can do this.
Hi Christina, thank you so much! We’re so excited! Please email michelle@casanctuary.org and we’ll help you right away!