Did You Know?
Sheep are gentle souls who are adept at expressing and interpreting emotion. They display their emotions using body language, facial expressions, and different vocalizations. Contrary to popular misconceptions, sheep are extremely intelligent animals capable of problem solving; they are nearly as clever as pigs! Did you know that sheep also have amazing memories? They are able to recognize and remember up to 50 different individual sheep and humans for up to 2 years. They are also very caring mothers and form deep bonds with their lambs who can recognize mom’s specific bleat.
Sheep are all too often viewed as wool producing machines. The reality is that if sheep were not genetically manipulated, they would grow just enough wool to protect themselves from temperature extremes. Merino sheep have been bred to have excessively wrinkled skin in order to grow more wool. Shearers are paid by volume, which encourages fast work with no regard for the welfare of the sheep. Sheep are often abused and cut during the shearing process with no pain relief administered. In addition, the majority of sheep raised for their wool are ultimately killed for their flesh.

Shirley, abandoned when her caregivers moved, is one of many rescued sheep you can sponsor.
Why Sponsor a Rescued Sheep living at Catskill Animal Sanctuary?

The sheep here at CAS are the lucky ones, living free of fear and mistreatment, and showered with love and affection. Our sheep live such rich lives because of support from caring and loyal sponsors. Your sponsorship donation of $50 per month helps pay for your sheep’s food, bedding and vet care. Sponsoring a sheep is a great way to get involved and make a difference, while gaining a new animal friend at the same time. Sponsorship also makes a great gift for the animal lover in your life. Most importantly, your sponsorship is vital to our life-saving work and makes a huge difference in the lives of desperate animals who need and deserve a second chance at happiness.
Sponsorship Benefits
Not only will you, or your gift recipient, gain a new sheep friend, but for September only you will also be
entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes! The prizes include a FREE night at the Homestead Guesthouse, a CAS logo water bottle, and copies of W
here the Blind Horse Sings and
Animal Camp autographed by CAS Founder and Director Kathy Stevens. When you sign up to sponsor a sheep at CAS you will also receive a 1 year Family Membership (a $65 value) as well! Your Family Membership entitles your household to free tours April – October and reduced

admission to special events. As a new sponsor, you will also receive 2 glossy photos of your sweet sheep along with his/her rescue story. You can come and visit your sponsored sheep year-round by appointment (Just call or email 72 hours in advance) and see for yourself the quality of care your support provides. To sponsor a sheep today, contact Adoption and Sponsorship Coordinator Erin Murphy at
845-336-8447 x232 or