The Elephant In The Room: Why We Must Eliminate Animal Products For A Sustainable Future
Every Earth Day, we reflect on the state of our planet and take action to protect it. Oftentimes, this takes shape in composting, recycling, limiting our electricity use and our […]
An Open Letter From Catskill Animal Sanctuary: We’re Seeing Climate Change At Home
At Catskill Animal Sanctuary, we’ve been deeply connected to the 150 acres that comprise our home for the past 21 years: warm pastures where contented cows sunbathe, ponds where ducks […]
Earth Day 2021: Connecting & Taking Action
It’s been 51 years since the first celebration of Earth Day. We’ve had 51 opportunities — and more — to contemplate our relationship with the planet. We’ve seen what has been [...]
Global Solidarity On Earth Day: Individual Decisions. Global Impact.
Today is the 50th Annual Celebration of Earth Day, when we acknowledge that our fate is entwined with the planet’s — and with each other. Now more than ever, we see firsthand […]
Instagram LIVE Cooking Class With Chef Linda
It’s the 50th annual Earth Day, and we hope you’ll join us in making these delicious plant-based Scarlet Black Bean Burgers from our cookbook, Compassionate […]
Virtual Sanctuary: LIVE 50 Years Of Earth Day
Tune in at 1:00PM to chat with Tours Manager Kaden about what it means to celebrate 50 years of Earth Day during these strange times. […]
Catskill Conversations: So You’re An Environmentalist!
In a world where our daily choices are the fuel that dictates our future, and the planet’s, how do yours stand up to scrutiny? A […]