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Wendy Haberman, Tour Guide

Wendy joined CAS as a Tour Guide in 2021 after working as a physical therapist for 20+ years and raising 2 amazing children. At the age of 11, while living on a horse farm, she raised a gorgeous and loving little Jersey calf named Bonco, which lead to her being vegetarian for most of her adult life. Wendy has been vegan since 2017 and loves to help others onto that path as a health coach and a lover of all animals. When not leading tours at CAS, she loves to hike and kayak. She shares her home with Molly, a 16 year old dog rescued from Puerto Rico, and Thistle, a loving and very large “shoulder cat”. Sharing animal rescue stories with visitors as they meet the animals face to face – and then seeing the lights come on in their eyes – is one of Wendy’s greatest joys.


