Would Perdue Recognize a Happy Chicken if it Saw One?

The New York Times has a positive story on Perdue’s efforts to eliminate using antibiotics in chickens. Jim Perdue says, “What you think is humane treatment of an animal and …

Reports of an Overturned Truck of Pigs Missed the Real Story

You may have seen the story about a truck overturning in Ohio while carrying 2,200 pigs. The death toll is up to half of them. The terrible truth is that the …

The Most Shocking Investigative Videos That Expose Factory Farms

Today we have a guest post from Maria Ramos: Most shoppers have no idea about the severe animal abuse that takes place in factory farms, where animals are mutilated and …

An Epidemic Beyond the Flu

Today’s New York Times reports on the bird flu epidemic. Each year billions of chickens are killed. They were likely exploited so humans could consume them for meat or their …

Kathy’s Talk at the NYC Bar

Back in March Kathy spoke at the NYC Bar Association at the invitation of the Animal Law Committee. It was a terrific evening, but if you missed the talk then …

The Price of Love

People often ask me what the hardest part of my job is and are surprised that I do not say dealing with death. (The hardest part is having to say …

Why is Telling the Truth a Criminal Act?

This week The New York Times reported on the case of woman who was indicted four years after trespassing on Hudson Valley Foie Gras’ property. At issue is the question …

OK, I’m Vegan! Now What?

Today we have a guest post from one of our tour guides, Nikki Rowell. All the photos were taken by her. I became vegan in May of 2013. A friend …

Unicorns, Easter Bunnies, Tooth Fairies, and Milk Cows

It’s a blustery day in New York, and I’ve just returned to the office after cleaning one of our main cow barns with my friend David. My pal Tucker, a …

The Most Horrifying Phrase in English — Standard Agricultural Practices

I was delighted to read Tuesday’s New York Times editorial demanding that Congress “oversee” and “reform” the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) or shut it down. Media attention to …