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Optimism is a Conscious Choice

On Founder Friday last week, Andrea Kahn asked how I remain optimistic for big change in the face of so much animal mistreatment. Andrea: I love this question. Many things …

Finding Your Power…Right Now

Finding Your Power…Right Now The very first Founder Friday question was a doozie! Dee Boleman asked:  if you were granted three wishes, what would you wish your supporters, patrons and …

Yes, We’re Political

Last week we hosted a panel in New York City to discuss what the Trump Administration may mean for the animals. When it was announced, a lot of people asked, …

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Is Catskill Animal Sanctuary Political?

On Sunday we posted a Facebook photo of the magnificent Tucker Cow — a post that included the phrase, “love trumps hate.” It prompted many followers to ask if Catskill …

A Plea for All Mothers on Mother’s Day

Having lived and worked with thousands of animals over the last 15 years, I have a long list of improbable friends: soulful sheep and insistent ducks, magnificent chickens and impossible …

Honoring My Teachers on National Teacher Day

I’ve been fortunate to know gifted teachers. Mrs. Eggleston, my fifth grade teacher, nurtured my nascent interest in art and writing. Mrs. Yarborough, my twelfth grade English teacher, pushed me …

Our Statement About the NYC Carriage Horse Bill

This afternoon we spoke at the New York City Council hearing on the Mayor’s proposal (Intro-573A) to move the carriage horses into Central Park. Here is our full statement: Catskill …

Florida Horse-Slaughter Farm Exposed

This seems to be the week for major rescues. This one in Florida involves horse-slaughter and many instances of animal cruelty. The raid is the culmination of a SIX-MONTH investigation. …

Don’t Give Chicks or Bunnies as Easter Gifts

Spring is a season of daffodils, baby birds, and green returning everywhere. It is also a season of unnecessary tragedy for thousands of chicks and bunnies. Each year chicks and …

This is a Win?

Yesterday California became the state with the highest welfare standards for farmed animals. Voters passed a law in 2008 requiring that chickens raised for eggs, calves, and pigs must be …