Jesse—Forever In Our Hearts
“And then around the bend [are] three calves, and my heart is again in my throat. They’re male, several months old, with bloated bellies and ears crusted with blood where […]
A Downed Cow And A Determined Team: We Are Stronger Together.
A Glimpse of Sanctuary Life From Animal Care Director Kelly Mullins: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller “Sanctuary time” isn’t like […]
We Are Blessed With Good Neighbors
When we moved our fledgling sanctuary, barely a year old, to Old Stage Road in the winter of 2003, we were struggling to stay afloat. It would be years before we had […]
Joy to the World! Fabulous Four Graduate to their “Big Boy Fieldâ€
Chapter 1:Â On July 28, 2012, we welcomed four newborn Jersey calves to the safety and plenty of CAS. Just days old, they were exhausted and afraid. Two were gravely […]
Four Very Personal Reasons to GO VEG This Month
[youtube][/youtube] October means pumpkins, Halloween costumes, corn mazes, and Vegetarian Awareness Month. Wait…what? That’s right; October 1st was the official kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month, a month-long opportunity to consider […]
Emergency Rescue: Veal Calves’ Lives Saved
[youtube][/youtube] Just last Tuesday, I got a call about four 3-day-old calves. Unwanted by-products of a dairy farm, they were destined for a veal crate and slaughter at four months […]