Deceptive Labels — Don’t Buy It!
We recently came across a thought-provoking article on Vox titled “Undercover audio of a Tyson employee reveals “free-range” chicken is meaningless”. As an organization deeply committed to protecting the lives […]
From Henry to Millions: The Loss of Individuality in the Bird Flu Crisis
Recently, The New York Times published an opinion piece by David Quammen titled, “Why Dead Birds Are Falling From the Sky”, which highlighted the importance of addressing the current widespread […]
Surviving Winter, Embracing Spring: The Resilience of Catskill Animal Sanctuary’s Senior Animals
(Photo: Senior Horse Barclay led by Animal Care Team Leader, Gabby) Even when it’s unusually mild, winter is tough on old beings, no matter their species. At CAS, we do […]
Sanctuary Update: Preventing HPAI H5 (Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu)
Unfortunately, as you may have heard on the news, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI H5) has reached our region of New York. At this point in time, we know this […]
“If hens lay eggs anyway, why is it unethical to eat them?”
We get this question a lot. And with idyllic images of hens exploring grassy fields plastered on egg cartons and in grocery stores, challenging that notion can be difficult. However, […]
Petunia’s Pledge: Continue Your Journey Of Compassion
On World Vegetarian Day (October 1st), we celebrate vegetarians and veg-curious folks like YOU — Let’s take the next step together! Take Petunia’s Pledge to go vegan for one month in honor […]
She Wanted Her Life: Considering Your Barbecued Chicken
If you’re like me, there’s little you won’t do to enrich the life of your dog or your cat: we want our beloveds to thrive. That same approach occurs here […]
Roxbury, Rescued from a Trashbag in NYC
Roxbury was rescued by an animal lover when he saw a man put a trash bag with a live chicken in it next to a bar trashcan. The man with […]