Saying Goodbye to Bobo

After a full and happy decade among friends, Bobo, our 32-year-old blind mare, died suddenly this past Tuesday. Bobo was one of the most traumatized animals Catskill Animal Sanctuary has …

A Glorious Day: ASPCA Visits CAS for Annual Picnic

Saturday, September 9, wasn’t an ordinary visiting day (wonderful as they are!) at Catskill Animal Sanctuary. Rather than welcoming the public from 10 to 2pm, CAS welcomed 200 ASPCA staffers …

The Spared Sheep: Lambert

Lambert was raised by an Ohio woman as a 4H project. Part of the deal….sending Lambert to auction (and therefore slaughter) at the end of the project. It was something …

Cricket Experiences Freedom After Life on a Chain

A year ago when I drove down the dirt road to check on Cricket, she was being eaten alive by flies. She had no water, no grass, no shade, no …

Summer Interns at CAS

I was blessed to have four, hardworking interns this summer; Jon, Eric, Kisha, and Tara – you rock! Each intern brought a unique set of skills, a huge desire to …

Roxbury, Rescued from a Trashbag in NYC

Roxbury was rescued by an animal lover when he saw a man put a trash bag with a live chicken in it next to a bar trashcan. The man with …

Seven New Hens in the CAS “Sorority House”

CAS recently welcomed seven layer hens from the home of a Saugerties man who passed away. His children inherited his house and his animals–two horses, a mule, and seven chickens–but …

Emergency Rescue: Veal Calves’ Lives Saved

[youtube][/youtube] Just last Tuesday, I got a call about four 3-day-old calves. Unwanted by-products of a dairy farm, they were destined for a veal crate and slaughter at four months …

It’s Jangles’ Turn: Old Pig Joins The Underfoot Family!

If you’ve visited Catskill Animal Sanctuary, you likely have vivid memories of a few members of the Underfoot Family, that special crew of critters privileged to roam the barnyard all …

Hoarder Sentenced; Must Undergo Mental Health Evaluation

Ann Arnold, the Greenfield, New York woman convicted of 19 counts of failing to provide food, shelter and vet care to her horses (14 of whom were rescued by CAS …