Beans are Boss!
Beans are boss, which is why beans are honored every year on January 6, National Bean Day. We’ve got 10 great reasons to eat more beans this year: 1) Nutrition. …
Ask the Chef: Perplexed by Protein
Dear Chef Linda, I feel like I’m ready to start my vegan journey and I want to be prepared to answer the question “Where will you get your protein?” Can …
Love Yourself with Heart-Healthy Foods
February is American heart health month, created by the American Heart Association, it reminds us that there are lots of things we can do to stay heart-healthy. Maybe you don’t …
5 Reasons to Love Your Greens
By Chef Linda Eliminating animals and animal products from your diet is often the first step in opening your eyes and appetite to a world of other foods that have …
Love Your Beets
Did you hear about the guy who didn’t eat enough vegetables? His heart skipped a beet. Beets. You either love ’em or you hate ’em. Listen up, beet-haters, there are …
Want to Feel Your Oats?
When you think about your favorite whole grains, do oats come to mind? Typically relegated to the breakfast table (and there’s nothing wrong with that!), oats are actually versatile in …
Making Friends with Fermented Foods
By Chef Sara Fermented foods may seem like a health fad, but humans have been intentionally fermenting foods since at least 7000 BC – so I think it’s safe …
“Dear Chef Linda”…Giving Up Cheese
We get questions and comments from our readers about cooking, vegan substitutions, nutrition, and about the lifestyle changes and challenges that are part of the compassionate journey. Because April is …
Ask the Chef: Vegan Iron Sources
“Dear Chef Linda, everyone’s always concerned about getting enough protein on a vegan diet. I don’t hear much about other important minerals, like iron, for example. I’m confident that I’m …
A Quick Lesson on Protein
A Quick Lesson on Protein If you’re vegan – or even thinking about going vegan, you’ve no doubt encountered “the question”. You know, the one about protein, as in, where …