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Chef Linda Linda Soper-Kolton, Chef, came to the Sanctuary as a guest chef to share her love of compassionate cooking in our then-fledgling culinary program. Lured by the magic of the Sanctuary, her love of animals and the urgency of our mission, Linda stayed on to lead and grow the culinary program, inspiring and educating with love, patience, and delicious food. View Recipes

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Peanut Butter Chocolate Crescents

By Chef Linda

This recipe almost didn't see the light of day. It's a shameful example of how to satisfying a craving without really trying too hard. Just shy of jabbing a piece of vegan chocolate into a jar of peanut butter, this recipe for Peanut Butter Crescent Rolls is one that Kathy Stevens would allow me to say is truly "simple!" A time will come, dear friends, when the doughy hug of store-bought crescent rolls slathered with peanut butter, stuffed with chocolate chips, and baked till they ooze will sound appealing…even necessary. Until then, mock the crude simplicity here. Go on. But you'll be back. And when you do decide to make these, take my advice and double the recipe. In fact, keep the ingredients on hand for a dreary Saturday morning…or a busy Tuesday night…or a Thursday afternoon when no one is looking.

peanut butter chocolate crescent rolls


 1 tube vegan crescent dough
  cup peanut butter
 1 cup vegan chocolate chips
 ½ cup salted peanuts, shelled and chopped



Preheat oven to 375ºF. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Open the tube of dough and separate into 8 pieces. Spread peanut butter on each piece of dough. Evenly sprinkle a tablespoon each of chocolate chips and chopped peanuts on top of the dough. Starting at the wide end, roll up each piece of dough. Place crescents several inches apart on the baking tray. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until tops and bottoms are golden brown. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

To melt remaining chocolate chips, use a microwave or pull a slacker move and put them in an oven-safe bowl (a metal measuring cup or bowl works) and put them in the oven for several minutes. Don't leave them too long or the chocolate will scorch. Remove and stir.

When crescents have cooled a bit, use a spoon to drizzle chocolate on the crescent rolls and sprinkle with chopped peanuts. Let chocolate on top set before enjoying them while still warm.


Peanut Butter Chocolate Crescents

Peanut Butter Chocolate Crescents

DifficultySuper EasyCook Time12 mins


 1 tube vegan crescent dough
  cup peanut butter
 1 cup vegan chocolate chips
 ½ cup salted peanuts, shelled and chopped



Preheat oven to 375ºF. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Open the tube of dough and separate into 8 pieces. Spread peanut butter on each piece of dough. Evenly sprinkle a tablespoon each of chocolate chips and chopped peanuts on top of the dough. Starting at the wide end, roll up each piece of dough. Place crescents several inches apart on the baking tray. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until tops and bottoms are golden brown. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

To melt remaining chocolate chips, use a microwave or pull a slacker move and put them in an oven-safe bowl (a metal measuring cup or bowl works) and put them in the oven for several minutes. Don't leave them too long or the chocolate will scorch. Remove and stir.

When crescents have cooled a bit, use a spoon to drizzle chocolate on the crescent rolls and sprinkle with chopped peanuts. Let chocolate on top set before enjoying them while still warm.


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